LKK Speaking Engagement
Antonio Rigozzi delivered a lecture on the topic "Does the 'Lex Sportiva' exist?" at ICC Institute of World Business Law Arbitration Day in Paris.
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The 2nd edition of "Arbitrage international - Droit et pratique à la lumière de la LDIP", by Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler and Antonio Rigozzi has just been published.
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Antonio Rigozzi delivered a lecture on the topic "Why does Swiss law matter?" at the First Legal Arab Sport Forum at the Sharm el-Sheikh International Arbitration Centre (SHIAC).
Read moreLKK Rankings – GAR 100 2010
For the third year in a row, LKK has been recognised as one of the world's leading arbitration firms in the GAR 100 Survey.
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Antonio Rigozzi spoke on the "Legality of Rule 45 of the Olympic Charter" at the Tackling Doping in Sport 2010 conference in London.
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New Developments in International Commercial Arbitration 2009, co-edited by Antonio Rigozzi.
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LKK founding partners Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler and Laurent Lévy feature in Who’s Who Legal’s 2010 list of the 25 most highly regarded individuals in arbitration.
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Antonio Rigozzi spoke on "Le recours contre la sentence arbitrale" at a Journée d'études hosted by the Centre de droit comparé européen et international of the University of Lausanne.
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Antonio Rigozzi spoke on "Le patologie della clausola. Casi pratici e simulazioni" [Pathologies affecting the arbitration agreement - Practical exercises and mock cases] at a Camera Arbitrale di Milano conference in Florence.
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Sport Governance, Football Disputes, Doping and CAS Arbitration - Proceedings of the 2nd CAS & FSA/SAV Conference, Lausanne (2008).
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