New Book
The volume Sport Governance, Football Disputes, Doping and CAS Arbitration, co-edited by Michele Bernasconi and Antonio Rigozzi, has just been published. It contains the proceedings from the 2nd CAS & FSA/SAV (Swiss Bar Association) Conference, which was held in Lausanne on 22 and 23 February 2008, as follows:
- Thoughts on the Role of Sports Associations and Federations in Europe, by José Luis Arnaut
- Some Thoughts on the White Paper on Sport of the European Commission, by Richard Corbett
- Ambush Marketing: an Overview from an International Perspective, by Michael Noth
- Hooliganisme et autres aspects de securité – aspects de droit administrative et penal, by Aude Bichovsky
- The Independence and Impartiality of the Arbitrator, Especially in the Light of the ICAS-Recommendation of October 2006, by O.L.O. de Witt Wijnen
- Applicable Law in CAS Proceedings: What to Do with EU Law?, by Massimo Coccia
- Available Remedies against CAS Awards, by Antonio Rigozzi