Magnus Jesko Langer specializes in international investment and commercial arbitration, as well as in public international law, with a particular focus on international environmental law. He has acted as secretary and assistant of the arbitral tribunal in several international arbitration proceedings under various rules, including ICSID, UNCITRAL, SCC and ICC. He has also acted as legal adviser in interstate proceedings before the ICJ and has represented clients in civil and criminal proceedings before Swiss courts, including acting as counsel for the enforcement of CAS awards. He currently serves as a member of the Court of Arbitration of the Casablanca International Mediation and Arbitration Centre (CIMAC).
A German national, Magnus Jesko has extensive experience in investment disputes, in particular those relating to environmental matters. His other areas of expertise include oil and gas, mining, natural resources, environmental regulation, infrastructure and service industries in different jurisdictions.
Prior to joining Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler, Magnus Jesko acted as legal adviser in several inter-State disputes. Notably, he was part of the team that represented Argentina before the ICJ in the Case Concerning Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay.
Magnus Jesko was a teaching and research assistant at the Graduate Institute in the fields of international law-making, international law enforcement, international dispute settlement, and international environmental law. His Ph.D. thesis analyzes the impact of international environmental law on State sovereignty and, more generally, the structure of international law.
Selected publications
Les assurances et garanties de non-répétition: entre rupture et continuité
in: D. Alland, V. Chetail, O. de Frouville, J.E. Viñuales (Eds), Unity and Diversity of International Law. Essays in Honour of Professor Pierre-Marie Dupuy, Leiden 2014, pp. 539-579
Key Instruments of Private Environmental Finance: Private Funds, Project Finance, and Market Mechanisms
in: P.-M. Dupuy and J. E. Viñuales (Eds), Harnessing Foreign Investment for Environmental Protection: Incentives and Safeguards, Cambridge 2013, pp. 131-175
Managing Conflicts between Environmental and Investment Norms in International Law
in: Y. Kerbrat, S. Maljean-Dubois (Eds), The Transformation of International Environmental Law, Oxford 2011, pp. 171-191 (co-author Jorge E. Viñuales)