- FTI Consulting, Young MCIA and DLA Piper, Investment Arbitration Series 2021 on the topic Substantive Protections: Defences and Exceptions, speaker on “Exceptions in Investment Arbitration”, 18 November 2021
- ELSA Webinars Academy Switzerland on Arbitration, Lecture on “The Increasing Role of Environmental Considerations in Investment Arbitration”, 17 July 2021
- Casablanca Arbitration Days 2020, Annual Conference of the Casablanca “CIMAC” Court of Arbitration on the topic “Is Arbitration Helping or Hindering the Protection of the Environment and Public Health?”, speaker in panel on: “Protecting the Environment through Investment Arbitration”, 3 December 2020
- ESADE Law School, Barcelona, Guest Lecturer on Written Advocacy in International Arbitration, 16-17 November 2018
- Lalive, Geneva, event organized by Club Español del Arbitraje (CEA), speaker on “Environmental counterclaims in treaty-based arbitration”, 19 February 2018
- Graduate Institute, Geneva, Symposium “The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development: Assessing its Impact after 20 Years”, speaker on “Principle 21: The Role of Youth”, 4-5 October 2013
- Graduate Institute, Geneva, Symposium “Protecting the Environment in the XXIst Century: The Role of the Private Sector”, speaker on “Environmental Finance: Private Funds, Project Finance, and Market Mechanisms”, 20-21 May 2011