
Selected speaking engagements

  • Speaker, 6th Prague Arbitration Day, “Expedited Procedures and Injunctions”, 16 May 2024, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Organizer and moderator, MIDS Conference “Advancing Arbitration in India: Integrating Global Best Practices and Navigating Non-Participating Parties”, 9 October 2023, Mumbai, India
  • Organizer, 3rd MIDS Alumni Association Annual Conference, “Back to the Future”, 22 September 2023, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Organizer, 2nd MIDS Alumni Association Annual Conference, “Good faith, ESG Measures, and Technology”, 18 November 2022, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Speaker, “Content of the Award”, IBA Arb40 and YRAP Workshop on the IBA Arb40 Toolkit for Arbitral Award Writing, 17 February 2023, Bucharest, Romania
  • Faculty, Young ICCA Skills Training Workshop, “Cross-examination in International Arbitration”, 30 May 2019, Zurich, Switzerland