
Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler and Antonio Rigozzi

Le Règlement Bruxelles 1: vers un renforcement de l’espace judiciaire européen [The Brussels I Regulation: towards a reinforcement of the European judicial area]

Jusletter 5 February 2001

Sébastien Besson

The Utility of State Laws Regulating International Commercial Arbitration and Their Compatibility with the FAA

The American Review of International Arbitration 2000, pp. 211–249

Sébastien Besson

Du nouveau sur la reconnaissance aux Etats-Unis d’une sentence annulée à l’étranger [New developments on the recognition in the US of an arbitral award annulled abroad]

ASA Bulletin 2000, pp. 60-70

Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler

CAS Awards – Sydney 2000: the Decisions Delivered by the ad hoc Division of the Court of Arbitration for Sport During the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney

Court of Arbitration for Sport, Lausanne, 2000

Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler

Choice of Court and Choice of Law Clauses in Electronic Contracts

in: V. Jeanneret (Ed.), Aspects juridiques du commerce électronique, Zurich 2000, pp. 11-62

Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler and Antonio Rigozzi

Premiers actes de droit international privé communautaire [First acts of EU private international law]

Jusletter 17 July 2000

Antonio Rigozzi

Arbitrage, ordre public et droit communautaire de la concurrence

ASA Bulletin 1999, pp. 455-487

Sébastien Besson

Le statut au sein de l’Espace judiciaire européen d’un jugement écartant une exception d’arbitrage et statuant sur le fond [The status of a judgment rejecting an exceptio arbitri and ruling on the merits within the European judicial area]

in: P. Ferrari/J. Haldy/J-M. Rapp (Eds), Etudes de procédure et d’arbitrage en l’honneur de Jean-François Poudret, Lausanne 1999, pp. 329-347

Sébastien Besson

Une exception d’arbitrage peut-elle être invoquée en procédure de mainlevée provisoire? [Can an arbitration agreement be raised in summary debt collection proceedings?]

ASA Bulletin 1999, pp. 2-12

Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler

Arbitration Procedure: Identifying and Applying the Law Governing the Arbitration Procedure

in: A. van den Berg (Ed.), The Role of the Law of the Place of Arbitration in Improving the Efficiency of Arbitration Agreements and Awards: 40 Years of Application of the New York Convention, ICCA Congress Series No. 9, 1999, pp. 356-365