Transitory Rules for International Arbitration in Switzerland
International Business Law Journal 1990, pp. 951-962
Le nouveau droit suisse de l’arbitrage international [The new Swiss law on international arbitration]
Cahiers juridiques et fiscaux de l'exportation 1990, pp. 669-680
Transiger ou arbitrer? [To settle or to arbitrate?]
Bulletin d'information de la Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Genève, No. 5, 1990
Court Assistance in International Construction Arbitration
International Construction Law Review 1990, pp. 339-357
Dissenting Opinions in International Arbitration in Switzerland
Arbitration International 1989, pp. 35-42
L’entraide judiciaire internationale en matière civile
in: Junod, Ch.-A./Hirsch, A. (Eds), L'entraide judiciaire internationale en matière pénale, civile, administrative et fiscale, Geneva 1986, pp. 53-114
Specificity of International Arbitration: its Increasing Role in Case Law llustrated by Geneva Court Practice on Applications for Stays Imposed on Arbitral Awards
in: Reymond, C./Bucher, E. (Eds), Swiss Essays on International Arbitration, published on the occasion of the 1984 ICCA Interim Congress, Zurich 1984, pp. 297-310