
Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler and Michele Potestà

Challenges on the Road Toward a Multilateral Investment Court

in K. P. Sauvant (Ed.), Columbia FDI Perspectives, No. 201, June 2017

Michele Potestà

Preliminary Objections to Dismiss Claims that are Manifestly without Legal Merit under Rule 41(5) of the ICSID Arbitration Rules

in: C. Baltag (Ed.), ICSID Convention after 50 Years - Unsettled Issues, Alphen aan den Rijn 2017, pp. 249-271

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Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler and Michele Potestà

Can the Mauritius Convention serve as a model for the reform of investor-State arbitration in connection with the introduction of a permanent investment tribunal or an appeal mechanism? Analysis and roadmap

CIDS Research Paper, Geneva 2016, 115 pages

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Michele Potestà

Towards a Greater Role for State-to-State Arbitration in the Architecture of Investment Treaties?

in: S. Lalani/R. Polanco Lazo (Eds), The Role of the State in Investor-State Arbitration, Leiden 2015, pp. 249-273

Michele Potestà

“Mr. Franck Charles Arif v. Republic of Moldova, ICSID Case No. ARB/11/23, Award, 8 April 2013”, Case comment

Journal of World Investment & Trade 2014, pp. 1011-1019

Michele Potestà

Legitimate Expectations in Investment Treaty Law: Understanding the Roots and the Limits of a Controversial Concept

ICSID Review—Foreign Investment Law Journal 2013, pp. 88–122

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Michele Potestà

From mutual supportiveness to mutual enforcement? The contribution of US Preferential Trade and Investment Agreements to the effectiveness of environmental norms

in: R. Hofmann, C. Tams and S. Schill (Eds), Preferential Trade and Investment Agreements: From Recalibration to Reintegration, Baden-Baden 2013, pp. 167-185

Michele Potestà

Mapping Environmental Concerns in International Investment Agreements: How Far Have We Gone?

in: T. Treves, F. Seatzu and S. Trevisanut (Eds), Foreign Investment and Common Concerns: An International Law Perspective, London 2013, pp. 193-212

Michele Potestà

La rinuncia preventiva all’impugnabilità del lodo arbitrale è compatibile con la Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo? [Advance waiver to the challenge of an award: Is it compatible with the ECHR?]

(Case report, Swiss Federal Tribunal, 4 January 2012), Rivista dell’Arbitrato 2013, pp. 171-185

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Michele Potestà

State-to-State Dispute Settlement Pursuant to Bilateral Investment Treaties: Is There Potential?

in: N. Boschiero and T. Scovazzi (Eds), International Courts and the Development of International Law - Essays in Honour of Tullio Treves, The Hague 2013, pp. 753-768

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