Investor-State Dispute Settlement and National Courts
European Yearbook of International Economic Law - Special Issue: Investor-State Dispute Settlement and National Courts - Current Framework and Reform Options, Springer Open, 2020, 117 pages
Download (pdf, 2782.9k)UNCITRAL and Investment Arbitration Reform: Matching Concerns and Solutions – An Introduction
Journal of World Investment & Trade - Special Issue 2020/2-3, pp. 167-187 (co-authors Malcolm Langford, Daniel Behm)
Download (pdf, 600.6k)Interim Relief in Investment Treaty Arbitration
in: K. Yannaca-Small (Ed.), Arbitration under International Investment Agreements - A Guide to the Key Issues, 2nd ed., Oxford 2018, pp. 633-678 (co-author A. Antonietti)
The Composition of a Multilateral Investment Court and of an Appeal Mechanism for Investment Awards
CIDS Supplemental Report, Geneva 2017, 127 pages
Download (pdf, 1063.3k)Challenges on the Road Toward a Multilateral Investment Court
in K. P. Sauvant (Ed.), Columbia FDI Perspectives, No. 201, June 2017
Accountability in International Investment Arbitration
Charles Brower Lecture - American Society for International Law, 31 March 2016 - Cahiers de l'arbitrage/Paris Journal of International Arbitration, pp. 581-590
Download (pdf, 334.9k)Can the Mauritius Convention serve as a model for the reform of investor-State arbitration in connection with the introduction of a permanent investment tribunal or an appeal mechanism? Analysis and roadmap
CIDS Research Paper, Geneva 2016, 115 pages
Download (pdf, 872.5k)International Arbitration: Law and Practice in Switzerland
Oxford 2015, 672 pages
Multiple proceedings – New Challenges for the Settlement of Investment Disputes
in: A. Rovine (Ed.), Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation - The Fordham Papers 2013, Leiden 2014, pp. 3-12
Download (pdf, 3861.4k)The Relationship between International Arbitration and the National Judge
in: A. J. van den Berg (Ed.), International Arbitration - The Coming of a New Age?, ICCA Congress Series No. 17 (Singapore 2012), Alphen aan den Rijn 2013, pp. 456-462 (co-author E. Kalnina)