New book
The proceedings of the 2017 Macolin Anti-Doping Summit, which, in April this year, brought together top specialists from various disciplines to discuss the science, legal and policy aspects of anti-doping, viewed through the lens of the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code, have now been published (edited by Antonio Rigozzi, Emily Wisnosky and Brianna Quinn).
The Summit’s speakers examined, among other issues, whether anti-doping science and regulation are keeping pace with doping, whether the law is jeopardizing anti-doping efforts, the impact of the new emphasis on intelligence operations in anti-doping cases, what anti-doping can learn from the athletes’ perspective and the ethical challenges currently faced in anti-doping efforts.
A scan of the book (Editions Weblaw 2017, ISBN 978-3-906836-96-6, 248 pages) is available here.