El Arbitraje, Corte Internacional de Justicia y Otros Métodos Alternativos de Solución de Controversias
in: N. López López, L. Galindo-Romero, R. Urueña Hernández (Eds), Derecho Internacional: Conceptos, Doctrinas y Debates, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, 2023, pp. 326-366 (co-author N. Lozada)
The Role of Secretariats
in: C. Giorgetti/P. W. Pearsall/H. Ruiz-Fabri (Eds), Research Handbook on International Claims Commissions, Edward Elgar, 2023, pp. 200-221 (co-author Dirk Pulkowski)
Towards a New International Legal (Dis)order? Some Reflections on the Ukrainian Crisis
in: J. E. Viñuales/A. Clapham/L. Boisson de Chazournes/M. Hébié (Eds), The International Legal Order in the XXIst Century/L’ordre juridique international au XXIeme siècle/El órden jurídico internacional en el siglo XXI, Essays in Honour of Professor Marcelo Gustavo Kohen, Brill/Nijhoff, 2023, pp. 319-343
Transparency in Trade and Investment Disputes
in: K. Nadakavukaren/Th. Cottier (Eds), Elgar - Encyclopedia of International Economic Law, Cheltenham, forthcoming
Barriers to Panel Composition in RTA Dispute Settlement: Evaluating Solutions to a Perennial Problem
World Trade Review 2022, pp. 1-23
In Dubio Mitius. Advancing Clarity and Modesty in Treaty Interpretation
European Journal of International Law 2021, pp. 835-862
Settling Interstate Trade Disputes: Lessons from the EFTA Complaints Procedure
Journal of International Economic Law 2021, pp. 77-97
Two Takes on Chagos – Reconciling the Advisory Opinion with the Res Judicata Effect of the UNCLOS Arbitral Award
in: Th. Burri/J. Trinidad (Eds), The International Court of Justice and Decolonisation. New Directions from the Chagos Advisory Opinion, Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp. 71-94
Frivolous Claim
in: Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law (co-author, C. Stamatis)
Outsourcing FTA Dispute Settlement Administration to Third-Party International Arbitral Institutions: Opportunities and the Role of the Permanent Court of Arbitration
The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 2020, pp. 49-78